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How to condition 1000 ohm strain gauges using NI 9237 module?


I need to use 1000ohm vishay WK-06-250BF-10C strain gauges in three wires quarter bridge configuration.
We are equipped with NI 9237 modules and was wondering if it is possible to condition 1000ohm gauges with it?
If not what are my options?

Thanks a lot for the help.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4
Sorry I've posted in the wrong section...
Can a Mod move this thread to Signal Conditioning please?

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Message 2 of 4
Hi Oliv,

9237 modules should be perfectly adequate for your needs. When you configure the device you are not required to specify the resistance of the guages you use. Your selection of external gauge resistance will determine if you bridge is balanced. There is, however, a 150mW limit on the bridge. Please see the NI 9237 Operating Instructions for more information about power limitations and general configuration.

To use the 9237 in quarter-bridge configuration, you must configure it in half-bridge configuration and then complete the bridge with a dummy gauge.

I hope this helps.


Applications Engineering, NI UK
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Message 3 of 4

Hi Tom,


I meet the same situation, how to config 1000 ohm strain gauge to NI 9237 with NI 9945 (350 ohm) quarter bridge completion accessory? Could you please how me how to config it in half bridge and complete with a dummy gauge?





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Message 4 of 4