Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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GPIB command set for Anritsu MS9001B/B1



I have an Anritsu MS9001B1 optical spectrum analyzer and am looking for the GPIB command set for it. Does anyone have it, please? I contacted Anritsu, but they said the service for the unit ended about 10 years ago and they don't have manual any more.


Thank you very much!



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hi lq747,


I looked through our resources, instrument driver network, and online some, but unfortunately I was unable to find this information.  Has anyone else out there used this device before, or perhaps knows from where a manual may be obtained?





Stephanie R.

National Instruments

Stephanie R.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Stephanie, thank you very much for your reply. I could find someone selling the manual on eBay. But the $110 price seems a little too high for me... Could someone please share one or tell me a cheaper source? Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

I see this is years too late, but in case anyone wants these commands again, here are what I have found...


These were found on an Anritsu MS9001A, but I assume they will work on both. I also don't have the manual, so I just tested stuff till it worked, so some things might not be completely accurate.


They are given in an attached txt file too in case the formatting is weird here.


 - L Trainor.


Turn commands into queries by adding R. e.g. "SAR" -> what is the start wavelength?
All commands and replies are ascii. I don't know what terminators are needed; I just use /r/n and don't care if this is not needed.
Commands are not case sensitive. I prefer to write all in upper case except for the letters i and o (to distinguish from 1 and 0)
Some important queries are given. Most commands have an associated query.

command mnemonic    example     action
MM      Main Marker MM0.805     set main marker wavelength
PSR     Peak Search PSR         read power at main marker wavelength

These allow you to place the marker and read power at that point.
There are 501 points on trace, so use these two commands for each point to get trace (work out where the points should be beforehand).
It takes about 2 minutes for the whole trace.

command mnemonic    example     action
RP      RePeat      RP          do repeat sweep
Si      SIngle      Si          do single sweep
ST      STop        ST          stop sweep
STR                             is sweep going? Will not register a sweep has started till about 2 seconds after you tell it to do one
Lo      LOg         Lo0         (int) set scale to log. Integer argument corresponds to a specific dB/div e.g. 0 -> 10dB/div
Li      LInear      Li1         (int) set scale to linear. Integer argument corresponds to a specific mW range e.g. 1 -> 100mW
SP      SPan        SP1         (int) set span. each integer corresponds to a specific value e.g. 7 -> 10nm
RE      REsolution  RE3         (int) set resolution. each integer corresponds to a specific value e.g. 3 -> 1nm
CT      CenTer      CT1.2       (float) center wavelength in micron
SA      StArt       SA0.8       (float) start wavelength in micron
So      StOp        So3         (int) stop wavelength from using integer corresponding to required span
SoR                             returns FLOAT of stop wavelength in micron
iN      INitialize  iN          sets osa to startup config. Wait about a second before trying any other commands
Hi      HIgh        Hi1         High sensitivity on = 1 / off = 0
LV      LeVel       LV10        set top level

command mnemonic    example     action
SV      Save        SV0         0-9 memory save
RC      ReCall      RC0         0-9 recall memory (won't display anything till you use GD)
GD      Graph Disp  GD          display graph

command mnemonic    example     action
SR      SpectRum    SR          spectrum mode
TR      TRansmissionTR          transmission mode
LS      LoSs        LS          loss mode
WAR     WavelengthA WAR         what is low end of range for osa
WBR     WavelengthB WBR         what is high end of range for osa
AT      AuTo range  AT          perform auto range

command mnemonic    example     action
HC      Half Center             ??????
HW      Half Width              ??????
MC      Memory Clear            ??????
PC                              Something memory related??????
LM      LevelMarker LM5         set level of marker. I don't know what this is for
DM      Data Memory DM2         sets data memory number. I don't know what this actually means
CP      CoPy        CP          Print copy

edited for a couple of errors

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

I see this is years too late, but here's what I have found...


I found these commands for the Anritsu MS9001A. I assume the command set didn't change for the MS9001B.


I also don't have the manual, so this is just from my own testing, so it might not all be accurate. I'll attach a .txt file with these commands at the end in case the formatting is weird here.


- L Trainor.


Turn commands into queries by adding R. e.g. "SAR" -> what is the start wavelength?
All commands and replies are ascii. I don't know what terminators are needed; I just use /r/n and don't care if this is not needed.
Commands are not case sensitive. I prefer to write all in upper case except for the letters i and o (to distinguish from 1 and 0)
Some important queries are given. Most commands have an associated query.

command mnemonic    example     action
MM      Main Marker MM0.805     set main marker wavelength
PSR     Peak Search PSR         read power at main marker wavelength

These allow you to place the marker and read power at that point.
There are 501 points on trace, so use these two commands for each point to get trace (work out where the points should be beforehand).
It takes about 2 minutes for the whole trace.

command mnemonic    example     action
RP      RePeat      RP          do repeat sweep
Si      SIngle      Si          do single sweep
ST      STop        ST          stop sweep
STR                             is sweep going? Will not register a sweep has started till about 2 seconds after you tell it to do one
Lo      LOg         Lo0         (int) set scale to log. Integer argument corresponds to a specific dB/div e.g. 0 -> 10dB/div
Li      LInear      Li1         (int) set scale to linear. Integer argument corresponds to a specific mW range e.g. 1 -> 100mW
SP      SPan        SP1         (int) set span. each integer corresponds to a specific value e.g. 7 -> 10nm
RE      REsolution  RE3         (int) set resolution. each integer corresponds to a specific value e.g. 3 -> 1nm
CT      CenTer      CT1.2       (float) center wavelength in micron
SA      StArt       SA0.8       (float) start wavelength in micron
So      StOp        So3         (int) stop wavelength from using integer corresponding to required span
SoR                             returns FLOAT of stop wavelength in micron
iN      INitialize  iN          sets osa to startup config. Wait about a second before trying any other commands
Hi      HIgh        Hi1         High sensitivity on = 1 / off = 0
LV      LeVel       LV10        set top level

command mnemonic    example     action
SV      Save        SV0         0-9 memory save
RC      ReCall      RC0         0-9 recall memory (won't display anything till you use GD)
GD      Graph Disp  GD          display graph

command mnemonic    example     action
SR      SpectRum    SR          spectrum mode
TR      TRansmissionTR          transmission mode
LS      LoSs        LS          loss mode
WAR     WavelengthA WAR         what is low end of range for osa
WBR     WavelengthB WBR         what is high end of range for osa
AT      AuTo range  AT          perform auto range

command mnemonic    example     action
HC      Half Center             ??????
HW      Half Width              ??????
MC      Memory Clear            ??????
PC                              Something memory related??????
LM      LevelMarker LM5         set level of marker. I don't know what this is for
DM      Data Memory DM2         sets data memory number. I don't know what this actually means
CP      CoPy        CP          Print copy
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi all, in case you need it, here you have a matlab code to retrieve data from your MS9001B1. I do not recommend using a market to get the spectral power, better using DMRX, where X is your memory, it can be 1, 2 or 3


g=gpib('ni', 0, 0);
set(g,'InputBufferSize', 8*20001);
set(g,'Timeout', 15);
fopen(g); % Open connection to OSA
status=get(g,'status'); % Check if connection successful
if strcmp(status,'closed')
disp(['Connection to GPIB' GPIB ' failed'])
% query(g,'CT1.55'); % Setting wl center
% query(g,'SP8'); % Setting span to 5 nm
wl_start = str2num(query(g,'SAR')); % [um]
wl_stop = str2num(query(g,'SOR')); % [um]
wl = linspace(wl_start, wl_stop, 501);
pw_trace = zeros(1, length(wl));
for ii=1:length(wl)
pw_trace(1,ii) = str2double(query(g,'DMR1'));
plot(wl, pw_trace)
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Message 6 of 6