Hi Friends
i am facing a problem during a scan read of Keithley 2010 DMM i am getting an err6 which corresponds to File i/o error,
i am attaching the vi along with this, please can anyone go through this and help me work this out.
i tried to debug by keeping break point at Scan read and found that the err 6 comes out of GPIB Recieve message in the Scan read vi
The flow of operation:
1) Initially i am doing a scan config which sets the start and stop channels and GPIB Adress
2) Next is the DMM Init for Keithley2010 DMM
3) Next i am doing a scan read which reads data from the DMM ( i am setting the count,delay,timer and other params here)
here in the 3rd stage i am getting an error output as ERR6, which corresponds to FileI/O error ( i have seen this descrption in the NI Help GPIB Error codes, is this correct)
i would be grateful if some one can go through this attachment and help me solve the porblem
Thanks in advance
Sandeep K Shyam
Message Edited by shyamsandeep on 03-06-2006 11:37 AM
Message Edited by shyamsandeep on 03-06-2006 11:38 AM