05-29-2019 10:08 AM
If so, you have to use the "$xxE" command. Take care about its format :
06-03-2019 02:57 AM
Hello JB, thank you for your answer!
That is precisely what I want to do. I want to make a LabVIEW VI which sets the chamber at a certain temperature and starts it.
The temperature setting was easy using the $xxE-command, but to start the chamber has shown to be harder. 🙂
When I send the $xxE-command with startbit=1 the chamber answers with "0" and the seven "xxxx.x" settings values are stored in the chamber as I can read them with the $xxI-command.
However, the chamber still doesn't start. I have tried different settings in the temperature and humidity regulation in the digital outputs but it hasn't made a difference.
After a $xxE-command with startbit=1, the startbit in a following $xxI-command is still 0. So it seems that the chamber accepts everything but the start bit?
The other digital outputs are read back correctly by the chamber.
06-03-2019 03:11 AM
Please contact the support of Vötsch Oven (now it is supported by Weiss Technik in Gemany)
And the let us now what the solution is.
Thanks an BR
06-04-2019 01:21 AM
In a previous message, you wrote that you send $00E050.0 000.0 000011001 00 100 2 0 <CR>.
According to the documentation, this command is incomplete.
06-05-2019 04:54 AM
I contacted Weiss Technik in the link you gave EWiebe, and they were very helpful. They sent a more complete communications protocol for the HC4120-chamber which had more digital outputs than was documented in my papers. When I followed that protocol, the chamber worked. It also contained some more commands that I had not seen before. The protocol is attached to this post.
JB, that command was a test to comply with the documentation that EWiebe supplied.
The strings I sent before were from the document I attached to a previous post, something like:
$00E 0050.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 0100.0 0101000000000000
And the new protocol is:
$00E 0050.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 0100.0 010100000000000000000000
I think this was the problem, at least the chamber works now.
Thank you both very much for your help!
06-06-2019 04:12 AM
I am happy that it works.
It is difficult to obtain the expected result with a inappropriate protocol. Your new command corresponds to my explanations in this previous message.
06-20-2019 09:02 AM
I have VT7004-M oven. It only has Ethernet connection. We dont have RS232 or 485 optins. Any of you have labview codes to communicate to VT7004 via ethernet? I'm new to this. Any help appreciated. We currently communicate to this chamber via Simpati. Anyone have programs/drivers for Simpati-labview?
06-24-2019 02:35 AM
Please contact the support of Vötsch Oven (now it is supported by Weiss Technik in Gemany, they are friendly 😉 )
And then let us know what the solution is.
BTW: The Operating Manual I have found for 4004/7004 does not have an ethernet connection. (see attached file)
How do you connect Ethernet to it? Do you have a newer chamber?
Thanks an BR
06-26-2019 04:47 PM
It may be the newer version. It doesn't have RS232 or RS485 interfaces (they seemed options which our company didnt go for). Just the Ethernet interface is availabel to comminucate via computer.
They did send me simpac labview programs. No idea how they work. Im trying to figure out if I can communicate without the Simpac or simpati interfaces. Let me see what Weiss tells me. I will let you know if I manage to get it working. But if you have some labview programs that I can test to communicate using Ethernet (TCP/IP I believe) I can try them. Please send me if you do.
06-26-2019 04:49 PM
It may be the newer version. It doesn't have RS232 or RS485 interfaces (they seemed options which our company didnt go for). Just the Ethernet interface is availabel to comminucate via computer.
They did send me simpac labview programs. No idea how they work. Im trying to figure out if I can communicate without the Simpac or simpati interfaces. Let me see what Weiss tells me. I will let you know if I manage to get it working. But if you have some labview programs that I can test to communicate using Ethernet (TCP/IP I believe) I can try them. Please send me if you do.