Indian LabVIEW Users Group (IndLUG)

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IndLUG Formed

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the IndLUG (Indian LabVIEW Users Group) where we will be having face to face discussions regarding effective use of LabVIEW.


Please patiently go through the following.


About IndLUG

After the second successful Indian CLD Summit conference, we have made decision to start a LabVIEW user group for self-sustainable LabVIEW proficiency,


3 Quarterly meetings between two consecutive NI Certified Professionals Events (CLD Summit/ CLA Summit)
Next Dates of Meetings:
1) 3rd week of Dec'18
2) 3rd week of March '19
3) 3rd week of June '19
4) CLD/ CLA Summit Sep '19

- All LabVIEW users can participate regardless of whether they are certified or not
- The meetings will be similar to CLD or CLA Summit conferences to - come together present and discuss but mostly users
- Presenters from NI and NI R&D can have 10% of presentation on New features or advanced topics


About Meetings:
- Three Quarterly meetings
December, March, and June
- IndLUG Account holders and NI representative will agree on meeting time and date
- LabVIEW users in Bangalore can come to NI Office (NI provides a training room for the users to get together, present, and discuss
- LabVIEW users outside Bangalore will have access in the meetings through Skype or Hangout.
- Presentations can be conducted from all different locations remotely

IndLUG Account Holders
- Indian LabVIEW Users Group has been divided into different sub-regions
- Some users from the industry has already taken up the responsibility to handle the region during the CLD Summit 2018

Bangalore, Karnataka, & Hyderabad - Augustin MJ, Abhishek Hundgund
Chennai - Varaprasath Mohan
Pune - Yogesh M Sudit
Mumbai - Elton Pinto
Coimbatore & South India - Senthilkumar Murugesan
Central India - Ashish Uttawar
Delhi & North India - Umesh Sharma, Prince Agarwal
NI Coordinator - Anish T

Responsibilities of IndLUG Account Holders
- Coordinate with NI coordinator and decide the date and time for the meeting
- For first meeting, NI events team will communicate with CLD Summit participants about the next LabVIEW Users Group meeting
- NI coordinator and IndLUG Account holder will create and manage a IndLUG on the NI website and share the link to the participants
- Task of the IndLUG Account Holder is to develop awareness of LUG to the LabVIEW users in their region and request for the topic and materials for presentations and discussion
- Once the date and time is decided, the account holders will decide the topics for the meeting


- Tasks of IndLUG Account Holder
a) Create LUG page on NI forum website and manage it
b) Develop awareness of LUG to the LabVIEW users in their region
c) Decide the topics for the meeting
d) Request topics and materials for presentations and discussion
e) Coordinate with NI coordinator and decide the date and time for the meeting
f) Manage NI forum LUG page to inform users with date and time for the meeting
g) How Account Holders communicate with other users
i) Primarily through NI forum LUG page
ii)Secondarily personally to participants who wants to be communicated personally
- For first meeting, NI events team will communicate with CLD Summit participants about the next LabVIEW Users Group meeting


Support from NI India
- Provide classroom for the discussion for the participants from Bangalore at NI Office.
- Provide NI coordinator and R&D support (if required) during the meetings

157+ CLDs & 9 CLA Trained
LabVIEW Training resources
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