05-07-2021 03:24 AM - edited 05-07-2021 03:25 AM
I have recently started a project in which I need to use a Teensy 4.0 board. Because I am familiar with Labview and not much with Arduino, I thought I could try to use Labview. I want to develop some code for sending signals and reading data from sensors.
I installed the LINX package from MakerHub, but the Teensy 4.0 is not listed and I am not sure if I need to adapt something for the 4.0 or there is something already available.
Can anyone help?
Thank you in advance!!
Solved! Go to Solution.
05-12-2021 06:55 AM
Hey massic76,
have you tried this tutorial?
this may help you adding new hardware to LINX.
05-12-2021 07:02 AM
Hi Jorge,
Thank you very much! I will definitely take a look at that tutorial. I didn't know about it.
I will report back once I try it and see if I am successful.
Best, Massimo
05-12-2021 07:06 AM
just a heads up,
i don't know the reason that you need to use Teensy 4.0.
As far as i understand, it is a very powerful hardware.
However LINX may slow it down in terms of using visa connection and other functions to read/write signals.
05-12-2021 07:12 AM
Hi Jorge,
Yes, you are totally right. I have thought of that. I have seen a comment about this in another post and it make sense.
We are using the Teensy 4.0 to control a motor for actuation of an exoskeleton. I need to send command signals and do readouts of the sensors that come with the motor. We also have a combination of analog and digital sensors that we want to monitor for proper actuation of the system.
After reading that post and also based on your last comment, I may try to program the Teensy 4.0 and test the correct operation and maybe use Labview to start and stop and collect data with a GUI.
If you have any other thoughts or comment, please feel free to share them!
Thank you for the help so far.
05-12-2021 07:34 AM - edited 05-12-2021 07:37 AM
oh well, then i'll share an experience i had.
I needed to acquire an 1kHz signal with these development cheap boards. as you may know, it is very hard for such hardware make such acquisition and aditionaly deal with communication and so on.
Our solution:
Arduino Due acquiring data <--> serial low level communication (point to point, very fast) with ESP 32
ESP32 gets data, build an 400 position array, sends over TCP to a listener in LabVIEW.
even though we didn't use LINX, it was a very good experience.