Hey LabEye,
why to use XBOX or PS4 if SNES is the only controller that you need? Jkidding
There are several ways to get data from USB or Wireless controllers. I'll point the one i use when i need a fast data acquisition.(by fast i mean testing and prototyping)
First, if you use hidHide for whatever reason, make them visible.
Then, on LabVIEW, under the connectivity pallete, there is the Joystick pallete.
all you have to do is, initialize the controller (you may check ID on the windows controller configuration 0 is the first on list, 1 is the second, so on...)
inside a loop you use the acquire input data.vi to get status from direction, axis and buttons.
outside the loop you use clos input device.vi to release serial communication so that you may play your games.
here is a picture (can't attach VI right now, sorry for that)
Jorge Augusto Pessatto Mondadori, PhD
Sistema Fiep