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Missing CLIP Signals for NI-5762 (-02)

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I have FlexRIO 15.1.1 installed and I'm using it in LabVIEW FPGA 2013.




I'm trying to program the 5762 using the multi-sample CLIP: <NI>\Shared\FlexRIO\IO Modules\NI 5762\1.0.0\V5\NI5762MultiSampleClip\Ni5762MultiSampleClip.xml.


Per the November 2015 FlexRIO help, I think I'm supposed to use "Data Clock/2" for the IO nodes:




Yet, there is no such signal in the signal list when I add the CLIP:



So, I follow what are probably typos in the FlexRIO help next to the Data Clock/2 signal that say, "IO Module Clock 0 must be added to your project in the FPGA Base Clock Properties dialog box. The following signals should be accessed only in this clock domain: AI 0 Data N, AI 0 Data N-1, AI 1 Data N, and AI 1 Data N-1.":




I add IO Module Clock 0 as a base clock to the project:




And the dialog box above makes me think IO Module Clock 0 is compiled for 50 MHz, when I'd expect it to be compiled to either 250 MHz or 125 MHz.


How exactly should I clock the AI0 and AI1 multi-sample IO nodes in the LabVIEW diagram?




Steve K


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Message 1 of 5

Hey Steve,


First, thanks for the very detailed post. That made it really easy to see exactly what you are looking at!


I looked into this a little bit and I believe that you're correct that there are some typos in the Help document. For FlexRIO 15.1.1, you should use the Data Clock signal as the IO Node clock.


I noticed that this was missing in your list of signals and I believe I know why. If you right click on your IO Module, can you go to properties, and select the "Clock Selections" category. Once you're in that category, go ahead and hit the "Create Necessary Clocks" button. This should create a 200MHz clock that the module needs to operate. Once this clock is created, you should see a Data Clock at the bottom of your list of signals.




From there, you can verify by right clicking on the Data Clock and selecting properties. In that properties window, you should see that the clock is compiled for the 125 MHz half-rate that we expect.




I'm going to go ahead and file a CAR for the documentation on this, just so that we can prevent any future confusion, but please let me know if you still have any questions about this or if this works for you!


- Ty P | Applications Engineer | National Instruments

Ty Prather
Technical Marketing Specialist
National Instruments
Message 2 of 5

Hi Ty,


Thanks for your reply.  "Create necessary clocks" is actually part of my standard FlexRIO workflow.  I usually enable the IO module, exit the properties dialog, then reenter the properties dialog and create the necessary clocks.  The screenshots I sent were all taken after clocks were created.  I don't know how to prove it without a video stream, but I just double-checked the "Create Necessary Clocks" is grayed out and the signal list is what I posted earlier:




Thanks for writing the CAR.  I still need help with the missing signal issue.




Steve K


P.S. Per the November 2015 FlexRIO help, I shouldn't have IO Module Clock 0 and 1 available with the versions of software I have loaded, yet they're available as Base Clocks.  Do you have them available?

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author Pie566942.0

Hi Steve,


Looking at your path to the CLIP XML, it seems you are using the 1.0.0 version of the CLIP.  This does not include the "Data Clock" signal, and just uses IO Module Clock 0/1.  There were some additions in the newer CLIP that could have made it incompatable with Labview 2013, so you may only be able to use version 1.0.  The 1.0 CLIP is fine to use; you just have to use the IO Module Clocks.


The clock frequency listed under the IO Module Clock 0 properties does not affect the compilation frequency; the frequency is set by the CLIP's own constraints.  I think this value is used at times when generating constraints for certain paths, so I'd recommend setting it to 125MHz anyways.


The documentation is definitely confusing there, especially in cases like yours using newer Flexrio support with older Labview.



Message 4 of 5



The chart (read KB) should look like this:


Your Version of LabVIEWYour Version of NI FlexRIO DriverAvailable Version(s) of CLIPClock(s) You Should Use
201315.1.11.0IO Module Clock 0


...for each FlexRIO adapter module, for each version of LabVIEW that supports it, for each version of CLIP.  Yay content points forever!


Thanks Kyle.


-Steve K

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