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Reference leeks in singelton classes

I have a question about reference leaks in singelton classes.

If I have just one class it is obviously that I get a reference leak because one reference to the queue is not closed.

If I have a subclass it get more tricky. Is there a way to close al references in the end so I don’t get the leeks?trace.png

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Message 1 of 3

Are you using NI GDS or OpenGDS, and what version?

I've added a way of fixing the reference leak in the later version of OpenGDS.

In the CleanUp VI for a singleton, you can now get the name of the Queue, but you need to destroy/release it yourself.


Message 2 of 3

Thanks for your answer.

It was the type of solution i was looking for.

I am using GDS_R4H_2013_64.

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Message 3 of 3