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cFP, ETS and RTX


I just want to confirm that on cFP 2120s, the ETS RTOS exists, and not the RTX. Am I right? Is it even possible to install the RTX on the cFPs?

Why do I care, you ask? Well, I want to know if I can use the Real-Time Shared Memory VIs on cFPs. They apparently work only on targets with RTX systems.

Admittedly, I don't know much about the differences between the ETS and RTX targets. If only the KB article (# 3DE7BMXT) on ETS vs. RTX was available online. It's not, as of 23rd August 2006 at least:

Thanks for any input.


Message Edited by Khalid on 08-23-2006 04:24 PM

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Message 1 of 2
Hi Khalid,

I hope you're doing well.  It looks like you're hoping to use the Shared Memory VIs on a FieldPoint controller, and you weren't sure if it was supported.  The Shared Memory VIs are meant to be used with our Real-Time Series Plug-In boards, such as the 7030/7041 cards, to share data with the host.  If you are trying to send data back to your PC from a FieldPoint controller, there are a few different ways to do so: Shared Variables, TCP VIs, or DataSocket.  To answer your question, Real-Time FieldPoint controllers do not run RTX, since an RTX machine runs both the RTOS and Windows simultaneously, and FieldPoint controllers don't quite meet the specs for Windows Smiley Happy May I ask why you are looking at the Shared Memory VIs in particular?  If it's just for data transfer to the host, one of the other methods I mentioned are the typical ones used with a Real-Time FieldPoint controller.  Let me know if I helped answer your question, or if you do have follow questions about this.  Have a great day Khalid!

Thaison V
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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