09-08-2020 09:29 AM
Hi all,
i have a cFP-2220 and after a network malfunction it stopped. I recovery it , from MAX , with IP RESET switch and reset it is restarted with a network interface Ip and from max i set IP and its worked fine for 1 day. Now i have a same problem but with any procedure from manual i cant see it on MAX , the power led is green and the status led blink orange every 30s, has someone had the same problem? how i can undestand wath is wrong?
09-09-2020 06:10 AM
the table on page 29 of cFP-2200/2210/2220 Operating Instructions and Specifications explains specific error conditions according to how many times the STATUS LED flashes: there is no "every 30s" option, sorry.
Hope this helps!