08-01-2018 03:06 PM
Hello community,
I have a digital encoder or index for a gas meter that provides electrical resistance 10x every revolution. I'm not very savvy on how the electronics work exactly, but I understand that it's a very common way to measure this type of thing.
My question is what Field Point module is capable of counting these resistance measurements and how to set up the counter if need be. I do have LV2014SP
08-02-2018 05:20 PM
It seems strange that you are trying to read in a resistance on a counter task. An encoder usually outputs a voltage. What is the encoder that you are using?
08-03-2018 01:29 PM
It's a RioTronics pat#4008458
Says direct connect to digital input
08-06-2018 03:35 PM
It doesn't look like NI sells any FieldPoint devices anymore. What are you trying to do? I'm sure there's a device currently being sold that can do that.
08-07-2018 08:21 AM
well I already have FP quad510,DO400,AI110s hopefully it's either the quad510 or the DO400.
All I'm trying to do is use a digital counter to count pulses coming from the index.
08-07-2018 11:06 AM
I think everything is wired up to the Quad510 properly, but still not getting any readings.
Could it be because the time stamp is not updating in MAX?