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Setting cFP-SG-140 excitation voltage


I'm trying to figure out how to setting the excitation voltage in the cFP-SG-140

reading FP-SG-140 AND C FP-SG-140 operating instructions it seems that one feature of the module is the programmable excitation for each channel: 2.5, 5, or 10 V

but in MAX I cannot find where set this option

is there any place in MAX or elsewhere where is possible to set this value?


any help would be appreciated


field engineer
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Hi Guido,

the operating instructions say you can configure the excitation voltage in the FieldPoint software, but according to this document you should be able to use MAX too. Have you browsed settings in MAX thoroughly? Could you attach some screenshot from MAX relative to the device, maybe?



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Hi Alessia,

Thank you for your prompt reply!


I'm sorry but, your indicated link

is broken


In the following I add more detailed information:

OS windows XP SP3

LABVIEW Pro 8.0 + Real-Time module

MAX rel. 4.4.0f1


I think I browsed all settings in MAX, in attach the screenshots requested, I won't found any other dialog box or settings windows





field engineer
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Hi Guido,

sorry for the wrong link, in fact it's not broken, I took it for granted that you could access it. Here is a relevant screenshot.


The system information you provided seems to be OK. Could you please attach also a MAX screenshot showing all software installed, or even better a simple MAX report? Are you sure to have installed a FieldPoint version that is compatible with your LabVIEW version?

If these ideas don't help you, next week I'll try to find out how to configure the excitation voltage in MAX.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Hi Alessia,

I have included the MAX report for my cFP2020 unit


If I remember correctly, this configuration has been set using FieldPoint 6.0.1 available from NI (nifpsw6010.exe), this is the latest compatible release of FieldPoint compatible with LabView 8 as per NI-FieldPoint and LabVIEW Version Compatibility table

I have no issues with configuring the other modules connected to the main unit





field engineer
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Hi Guido,
I didn't notice anything useful in your MAX report, actually. From a closer look at the screenshots you attached, however, I can assume that if you select a more specific option than "analog input" as channel type, depending on the kind of measurement you are going to take, a field to set the excitation voltage will appear. I can't be more precise about the options available because MAX doesn't allow me to simulate the cFP-SG-140, which as you know is a somewhat dated module.
I hope this is useful to you.
Kind regards,


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Hello Alessia,

unfortunately a more specific option than "analog input" as channel type doesn't exist in the pull down menù "Channels"

I know cFP-SG-140 is a dated module, but it's still useful for me

Anyway, I think there's no solution...

Thank you for your consideration




field engineer
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10



Just started looking into the cFP-SG-140 myself, but at least I've found the excitation voltage setting. It's a channel attribute that I can select at the screen corresponding to your screenshot no 6. (I'm not running exactly the same version of NI MAX.)



Per Erik

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Hi Erik,

thank you for the information

what release of NI MAX are you running?




field engineer
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

I'm running 18.5.0f0 on Win7.

Here's what it looks like for me.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10