04-19-2019 01:57 PM
So I've got power supply going to the +wire of the encoder from terminal 4(Quad510)
-From the encoder to terminal 19
Checking the voltage with multimeter terminal 4 to 19 or COM shows 4.99VDC
But through the encoder gives about 3.5VDC
I'm not getting any count on Index0 with the way I have it setup(Range is 0 to 65535. LSB reset on index)
I'm not sure if I have the wiring set up properly.
Not sure if I have the Quad510 settings configured properly.
Thank you for your help!
04-23-2019 08:08 PM
I hope you having a great day.
Unfortunately, we don't support Fieldpoint anymore so we don't have too many resources to help you in this case.
I apologize for any inconvenience that this can cause to you.
04-26-2019 09:52 AM
According to the manual, pin 20 is COM for the 5V, not pin 19.
04-29-2019 01:38 PM
I put it on 20. But it's still not reading what I want it to read. Maybe I just don't understand how this thing works.
Does the Count function actually count from 0 to 65535 or is that just a way to measure the angle of the rotor?
04-30-2019 03:19 PM
Please doublecheck the manual on page 5 and 6. Do you have it in the same way?
04-30-2019 03:29 PM
Yes, right now I have it plugged into 1-17-20. For Axis 0(I'm not really sure what the Axis refers to)
05-01-2019 12:33 PM
how do I know what channel is what channel? The manual says (Axis)(A+,A-:B+,B-:I+,I-), but all it says about channels is that 0-3 is LSB, 4-7 is MSB.
05-01-2019 04:45 PM
If I'm understanding the manual correctly, on your fieldpoint for axis 0, you would look at channel 0 for the least significant bits of the position given by your encoder, then channel 4 for the most significant bits. Putting these two fields together, you get a range of 2^32 positions for your encoder. If you have your A+/-, B+/-, and I+/- hooked up to the correct pins as you indicated above, you should be able to use those channels to get your data.
05-02-2019 09:23 AM
But this is for a single ended signal, I was under the assumption that all the quad510 would need is a voltage signal and a break in that signal. Then it would be able to either count the breaks or the voltage supply? Each time the signal breaks it would count 1,2,3 etc up to 65,535, or maybe I've missunderstood how this works?