We have a FieldPoint system with a legacy FP-2015 connected to windows PC. The installed FieldPoint driver version is 6.0.6. I believe it is the latest version that supports FP-2015. We would like to refurbish the PC and looking for the FieldPoint driver version 6.0.6 now.
According to this: https://www.ni.com/en/support/documentation/supplemental/10/archived--ni-system-driver-set-april-201... the driver should be available here https://download.ni.com/#support/fis/sds/2010.04/
Unfortunately, ftp.ni.com can only provide first ~600-700 MB of the 3.6GB file, and then fails with network error on every download attempt I made from various geographical locations.
Could anyone help us get the driver one way or another?