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What ddooeess tthhiiss aalllll mean?

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What ddooeess your code do?


Apparently we ccaann no longer aasskk questions like tthhiis!!! 


It sseeeemmss 80% of aallll wwoorrddss aarree blacklisted

Message 1 of 39

Just got the ssame!!!  Someone's fallen asleep...

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 39

A wway to promote our imagination?

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Message 3 of 39

I cannot embed images in the message because the body contains characters that aren't (definitely) existing in the body text!


Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 4 of 39

.* in wrongg place in regex? Smiley Very Happy

Message 5 of 39

Wow apparently these things I unable to use: caWWWn aWWWll aWWWnd, aWWWn, woWWWrds, wWWWas, aWWWm

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Message 6 of 39

I cannnottt wrrriiitee annyyythingggg- othhher thaaaannn thhhiiisss noooonneeseennseee!


I haaave ampersand banned! Aaand byy thaat I meaaan theee symbol of course

Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

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Message 7 of 39

How fun!

Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect
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Message 8 of 39

The ironic thing is the first word it didnt like when I tried to write a post lastt night was "itsssszz" andd I thought someone just messed uoppa filter andd thought I hadda t on the front 

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Message 9 of 39

Saamme here.  How is anyone getting anny messages posted with normal wwoorrddss?




Oh no!  The message contains worrdds.  Woorrds arre baaadd!  Burying text in the code box doesn't help either.


Message 10 of 39