02-19-2013 07:14 PM
once again, we are stuck! We are at the point where we have been able to complete our robot, and our VI to operate it (throws frisbees REALLY well!).
but I am having difficulty with the final steps of sending deploying the program to the driver station laptop, and getting it to work.
is there some document I am missing? PLEASE help.
TIA (Thanks In Advance)
02-21-2013 08:46 AM
Hey Jeff,
What are you trying to deploy to the driver station laptop? If you built a custom dashboard.exe you would need to deploy that to the driver station (by replacing the current .exe there). If you are trying to get your code to deploy to to the cRIO you will need to build an executable from your project and then run it as startup (more info on that in the slides here in the deployment secion: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-26302).