03-01-2013 02:51 PM
I'm trying to assist my son who is part of First through his school. I am a Java Developer by trade and while I have the Java development setup and working in Netbeans for FRC programs on my linux box I was hoping to at least be able to enable/disable the robot (In this case we only have the electrical board and camera as the robot itself is bagged). I've read enough of the threads to know that trying to get the driverstation on linux is more trouble than it's worth right now, however I do have a Windows 7 64bit vm. I have tried to install from the dvd's we got at the start of the competition. I can install the utilities disk just fine. However when I try to run the labview install it refuses to run until I point it at a license or give it a correct activation code. The machine id's presented (disk or ethernet) do not match the id generated for my system when during the utilities disk install it got me an activation code. The activation code doesn't work that was emailed to me and at this point I'm at a loss for how to get the software to even let me install it.
A step by step pointer would help - I used the serial number on the disk sleeve when I installed it.
03-01-2013 03:06 PM
The activation code for FRC Labview 2013 is S14X86763
03-01-2013 04:47 PM
Ok, that is what I thought but I can't make that work. I'm installing this disk (maybe I'm installing the worng thing - I really just want the driverstation:
This program installs
Wind River Workbench 3.0.1 with VxWorks 6.3 for FIRST Robotics Competition 2013 - Disc 1
Includes: VxWorks 6.3 with Service Pack 1, Workbench 3.0 with Service Pack 1, Wind River GNU Compiler 3.4.4, Wind River Compiler 5.4.0, and Lite5200 Board Support Package.
Media ID: DVD-R138732.1-1-04
Manufactured on Tue Oct 2 20:58:31 PDT 2012
After hitting Next :
I accept the license agreement and then hit Next again
Choose Installation Directory - leave it at default
Now we get to where I may have something wrong maybe.
- I've been choosing Temporary activation since I have no idea where to get the activation file.
I've tried both hostid's
Now I changed a couple details on this next scrrenshot but this is where it goes wrong
03-01-2013 05:30 PM
riftware wrote:
Ok, that is what I thought but I can't make that work. I'm installing this disk (maybe I'm installing the worng thing - I really just want the driverstation:
This program installs
Wind River Workbench 3.0.1 with VxWorks 6.3 for FIRST Robotics Competition 2013 - Disc 1
Includes: VxWorks 6.3 with Service Pack 1, Workbench 3.0 with Service Pack 1, Wind River GNU Compiler 3.4.4, Wind River Compiler 5.4.0, and Lite5200 Board Support Package.
Media ID: DVD-R138732.1-1-04
Manufactured on Tue Oct 2 20:58:31 PDT 2012
That is the wrong disk. You want the National Instruments DVD, not the Windriver DVD. See http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/3120/m/8559/l/89700-installing-the-2013-frc-driver-station-for-s... for instructions.