02-18-2013 01:58 PM
We have no lights on our 9472 module any more. we switched to our backup and it has no light. We tried both modules on our 2012 bot and they do not light up on that CRIO either. Are there any methods for repairing or troubleshooting this module
02-18-2013 08:12 PM
In case anyone looked at this because they were having similar problems, please check http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?mode=hybrid&t=113870 on Chief Delphi. Mark McLeod, Mentor for Team 358, helped us and another team out there. Robotic Eagles you are a great team and all your outreach, leadership, and gracious professionalism has helped so many more teams than you can imagine. Have a great ship day everyone.
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