From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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01-09-2012 07:19 PM
I start the FRC LabVIEW load off of the USB key. LabVIEW 2011 loads fine then I get "Setup.exe has stopped working" when loading the LabVIEW for real-time (product 2 of 7). I hit close program and it says the load failed, do I want to load the other products. It happens on NI-RIO (product 6 of 7).
I'm using an HP with an intel i5, 64 bit, and windows 7.
Please help!
01-09-2012 07:57 PM
Hey Joe,
Have you tried on multiple PCs? I know this is not a great response but most of our installation issues we have seen so far have been a result of problems with how the USB Flash Drive was imaged.
01-09-2012 08:02 PM
Not yet but I will. I work with a poor-ish school. None of the kids have laptops so I'm letting them use mind, or so I thought. I'm going to try on another when I get a chance. I'll post more tomorrow on whether it works or not
01-09-2012 09:58 PM
The load worked on a desktop PC with windows 7, 32-bit, Intel i3 processor. However, somehow, i need to make it work on a laptop using windows 64-bit, intel i5, and windows 7. Any sugestions on that?
01-10-2012 12:51 PM
Hey Joe,
When you run off the CD key are you selecting setup.exe or autorun? If not already I would use the autorun option. There are no known issues with installation on a 64 bit machine which seems to be the major difference between the two machines.
01-10-2012 07:50 PM
I removed Labview 2011 from the disk and re-did the install using autoexec.exe. It had the same problem. Is there a place I can download just that part LabVIEW real-time (product 2 of 7) and NI RIO (product 6 of 7)?
When I click the debug button, it said "An unhandled win32 exception occured in setup.exe [4064]. When I said debug with VS I got the message "Unhandled exception at 0x008398be in setup.exe. 0xC0000005 access vioaltion writing location 0x00000144.
01-10-2012 08:01 PM
Disregard this, I removed all NI software from this 64bit PC and then reinstalled FRC 2012 from scratch. I got the same error's so I'm sure it's not any old NI software getting in the way.
I dug down and found a message about unsupported version of ni-visa on what look like the real-time load. What version of NI-Visa is used for FRC Labview? Also, I have LabVIEW for FTC mindstorms on the same computer so what version does that use? and how can I make sure the right one is used for the different labviews?
01-11-2012 06:59 AM
On the 64bit machine, I removed ALL NI software (I'll put FTC back on later) using Control Panel >> Programs and Features >> National Instrument software. I highlighted everything and removed. Starting from an NI software removed machine, I re-installed from scratch. It again died in the setup.exe (info in message 5 of this thread) on procedure 2 of 7 and 6 of 7. I again found the reference to Unsupported NI-Visa version could be causing the problem. All NI-Visa's had been removed.
What can I try now?
10:28 AM
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11:41 AM
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Hey Joe,
The NI-VISA driver is not installed with either FRC or FTC LabVIEW so I think that may not be the issue. Would you be able to include screenshots of where you found that error warning? Additionally after trying the installation could you create a MAX Technical report ( and post it here. Additionally given how much trouble you have had installing from the USB I think it would be useful to try installing from downloads from At least try installing the trials of LabVIEW and Real Time 2011 to see if that is successful. Installing all of these products will get you a working copy of LabVIEW FRC 2012 for the trial period of 30 days (we are still working on ways to get it activated if installed this way)
LabVIEW 2011
LabVIEW Real-Time Module
NI Vision Development Module
NI Internet Toolkit
LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit
NI-RIO Driver
LabVIEW FRC Update/utilities/driver station (install all 3)
01-11-2012 09:49 PM
WooHoo! I finally figured it out! I went to and entered something about visa and it in the artical it said to remove LEGO mindstorms NXT becasue sometimes that has NI-VISA. I work with FLL so I had a couple of years of Mindstorms G on there. I got rid of them and everything downloaded off of the USB, I loaded the updates. restarted, started LabVIEW, and created a new project. It was so great! I had a project with Robot main with stuff in it...I'm so happy...I think I'll go to bed now. I still would like to get my other PC going.
Thanks for your help