01-09-2012 07:19 PM
I start the FRC LabVIEW load off of the USB key. LabVIEW 2011 loads fine then I get "Setup.exe has stopped working" when loading the LabVIEW for real-time (product 2 of 7). I hit close program and it says the load failed, do I want to load the other products. It happens on NI-RIO (product 6 of 7).
I'm using an HP with an intel i5, 64 bit, and windows 7.
Please help!
01-09-2012 07:57 PM
Hey Joe,
Have you tried on multiple PCs? I know this is not a great response but most of our installation issues we have seen so far have been a result of problems with how the USB Flash Drive was imaged.
01-09-2012 08:02 PM
Not yet but I will. I work with a poor-ish school. None of the kids have laptops so I'm letting them use mind, or so I thought. I'm going to try on another when I get a chance. I'll post more tomorrow on whether it works or not
01-09-2012 09:58 PM
The load worked on a desktop PC with windows 7, 32-bit, Intel i3 processor. However, somehow, i need to make it work on a laptop using windows 64-bit, intel i5, and windows 7. Any sugestions on that?
01-10-2012 12:51 PM
Hey Joe,
When you run off the CD key are you selecting setup.exe or autorun? If not already I would use the autorun option. There are no known issues with installation on a 64 bit machine which seems to be the major difference between the two machines.
01-10-2012 07:50 PM
I removed Labview 2011 from the disk and re-did the install using autoexec.exe. It had the same problem. Is there a place I can download just that part LabVIEW real-time (product 2 of 7) and NI RIO (product 6 of 7)?
When I click the debug button, it said "An unhandled win32 exception occured in setup.exe [4064]. When I said debug with VS I got the message "Unhandled exception at 0x008398be in setup.exe. 0xC0000005 access vioaltion writing location 0x00000144.