01-27-2012 12:46 PM
I finally have access to a computer with a serial port, but I don't know how to get the cRIO status/error report. I am using cRIO 1 and the dip switch is set to console out.
01-27-2012 02:00 PM
Check out this KB:http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/354A5124E6A667988625701B004A77CD
You will need a null modem cable, and some program which can listen on the serial port (often HyperTerminal or Putty).
01-29-2012 05:16 PM
Another (often more convenient option) is to use netconsole. You must enable it when you image the cRIO. After that, all you have to do is run the netconsole program, which receives console output over the network. It is installed by the utilities update.
02-01-2012 11:08 PM
The "C/C++ Getting Started Guide" document has a section on page 15 (Getting printf or cout output on the PC) which has several good debugging suggestions (including the 'console out' stuff). I haven't found any good C++ examples on how to use it except for the first link below:
NetConsole cout vs. printf on Old/New CRIO
I thought these other links might be helpful, too:
C/C++ Getting Started Guide
C++ and Java documentation
C++ & JAVA: New Features for 2012
Programming 101: Getting Started with LabVIEW, JAVA, and C/C++ (FRC 2011)
Programming the FRC Control System (FRC 2009)
Creating your first program
New NI cRIO-FRC2 (4-slot) versus Existing NI cRIO-FRC (8-slot)