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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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01-11-2012 08:59 PM
Note: This attempt is after Upgrading to LabVIEW 2011 after completely uninstalling 8.6.
I'm trying to load up our old program from last years competition so that our old bot can be controled from this current year's driver station... Along with some modifications so that we can use the Kinect with it. (That thing is really cool Ô¿Ô)
I've gone through the usual steps...
Imaged the cRIO, Installed all the updates, Driverstation... etc.
Upon rebuild I get this error:
Error 6 occurred at Delete in>>>>
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: Generic file I/O error.
C:\Users\Matthew\Dropbox\W. T. Clarke\2012\Code\2011 Kinect Mod\c\ni-rt\startup\startup.rtexe
I'm suspecting I need the old updates/software addons (Which I can't seem to locate)
Any tips / tricks so I need not recode the entire getup?
If I'm correct can someone send me the files I need?
FYI: I've gotten the default canned code examples to run sucessfully on both our controllers.
I must say again that Kinect looks really cool.
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-11-2012 09:19 PM
Hey 569,
I don't think you will need the old LabVIEW Updates. Do you only get this error when building your executable? If you haven't already I would try running the project in interactive mode (by clicking the run arrow on Robot_Main). I hope that will give some more information about what specifically might be missing from the project. I suspect there are some dependencies that need to be updated.
01-12-2012 07:26 AM
I have never ran code that way in the past.
Upon trying that, it seems that there are no problems running in that manner.
Except the usual issues that I've clicked through in the past:
(Same "Conflict message" for each bolded item)
Note: When I said:
I've gone through the usual steps...
Imaged the cRIO, Installed all the updates, Driverstation... etc.
I was referring to installing all the updates for the softwares from the website as dictated by the document on the FIRST website and your website:
01-12-2012 08:58 AM
Hey 569,
You will get those conflict messages since you have a start up executable already running on the cRIO. Its normal to just click OK on that message. Its more of a notification than an error. If the project runs normally in this mode then I would create a new build specification in your FRC 2012 project instead of using the one imported from last year. There are probably some old paths in that build specification that need to be updated but it is a relatively short setup process to just create a new one. Post back if you have any questions on that or if you continue to see the issue after creating the new build specification.
01-12-2012 10:09 AM
So, just to clarify, you want me to create a new project and drop in the old VIs for telop, autonomous, begin, & any others needed?
01-12-2012 10:17 AM
Hey 569,
Sorry for the confusion. Not a new project just a new copy of the build specification (the last thing in the project). I would just delete it then right click build specifications and select New RT EXE.
01-12-2012 05:40 PM
OK that seems to have worked. It does build now. However, after loading the code into the cRIO and entering in either telop or autonomous, nothing seems to happen, other than the controller name turning blue when I press buttons (I see now axis activity) or seeing the Kinect skeleton.
Idecided to start a brand new FRC cRIO project. I built it, ran on startup, and still the same issues exist. (Following: Tutorial 4—Developing a Robot Project)
I should note that this is on our new cRIO. Is it possible that it is defective, or perhaps one of its cards is defective?
I plugged in our old cRIO with last year’s code (build in 8.6 still on the cRIO) and it works just fine.
01-12-2012 06:15 PM
Hey 569,
I would say its possible but unlikely that you have a bad module. Have you tried running the robot project in interactive mode(by hitting run in the toolbar in Robot_Main? I assume you are expecting motor activity so have you checked that you have the joysticks and Jaguars hooked up to match the default code? When you deploy the RT Exe now do you get any errors? Are you using the Driver station to enable the robot? Does the driver station indicate any errors with communication? Do you have a green light for robot code on the driver station?
01-13-2012 07:28 AM
Yes I've tried starting it up that way already... No errors.
I have all green lights on the robot and on drivers station (green on communications and robot code). I can enter tellop and autonomous (the timer starts). I can see the kinect skeleton and it registers +- y axis and the three buttons for head tilts/ foot kicking etc.
Jaguars are in #s 1&2
USB#1 with a gaming pad controller (also tried with two other joy sticks) When I click on buttons the color of the name of the controller turns blueishgreen when I move the axis nothing happens.
When I get in today I will be swapping the 9403 module and/or its cable, with the other cRIO to see if that works.
(I forgot to mention that the sriver startion does not display voltage... batt was last at:12.7V)
01-13-2012 10:47 AM
Hey 569,
To simplify the testing of the 9403 you can set up a simple program (or use one of the examples) that just writes a digital output to the module and then scope the break out board to see if you are getting the signal. This would take any possible issues with the Jaguar out of the equation. The driver station not showing the voltage does indicate some kind of an issue to me. If the cRIO is getting lower voltage than required it can get into a state where you can deploy code to the controller and it shows up as connected but their is not enough power to use the modules. I would start by swapping in a new battery that you know is charged.