We are using the Command and Control framework, and one of the subsystems includes a channel between the sensor processing and the command loops. The channel is a 'Tag' type.
When trying to deploy to a different roboRIO, the deploy fails on this subsystem. Commenting out the subsystem allows the deploy to succeed. With no real error messages it is hard to determine what is actually failing, and none of the VIs are broken. The last deployed item is a function from the channel. Here is the end of the log:
Deploying FPGA_DIODigitalSourceChannel.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying Subsystem Sequencer Get Queue.vi (4.35 K)
Deploying Tag-a[.](t'Wheel of Doom Slot State.ctl').lvlib:ChannelOp.ctl (1.49 K)
Deploying Tag-a[.](t'Wheel of Doom Slot State.ctl').lvlib:))Channel.vi (31.07 K)
Deploying Tag-a[.](t'Wheel of Doom Slot State.ctl').lvlib:Instantiate.vi
Deployment completed with errors
Free Memory: 70751 K of 250152 K Total (28%)
The one thing tried was going to Tools --> Advanced --> Clear Compiled Object Cache...
The underlying type is:
(1D array of)
(typedef 'Wheel of Doom Slot State.ctl'[non-strict])
(cluster of 2 elements)
(boolean (TRUE or FALSE))
(boolean (TRUE or FALSE))
Is there any way to see what errors this produced, any any recommendations on the correct way to fix this?