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The example demonstrates how to acquire images and save them to a binary file with buffering.
The example acquires images from a color camera and then converts the image data into an array. In another loop decoupled from the acquisition loop with a queue the array data is written to a binary file.
If your camera acquires grayscale images, change the IMAQ ImagetoColorArray to an IMAQ ImagetoArray function.
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
Additional Information or References
KnowledgeBase: What Is the Difference Between NI-IMAQ, NI-IMAQdx, and NI-IMAQ I/O?
**The code for this example has been edited to meet the new Community Example Style Guidelines. The edited copy is marked with the text 'NIVerified'. Read here for more information about the new Example Guidelines and Community Platform.**
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
How much faster is it to use the image binary format?
What's the advantage of using a queue as a saving buffer instead of the camera acquisition buffer itself?