Enhanced Icon Editor

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'Permanent' underlay for class icon banner

This has happened to me before LV2009 so it's not directly related to the new icon editor, but it's puzzling enough that I thought I'd post it here.  Occasionally I'll get a class with an icon banner that has an underlay that doesn't show up in the icon editor and I can't get rid of.  I don't have a good repro case, but it might be related to renaming the class.


Here I've changed the class banner color and slightly reduced the height.


But after applying the changes the part of the old banner still shows up in class member icons.


Yet when I edit the object icon the segment of blue banner doesn't show up.  I haven't found a way to 'fix' this problem.  When it happens I have to delete the class and create a new one.  Like I said this has happened to me before the new icon edit was released so I suspect it has more to do with the .lvclass file than the icon editor itself...

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Message 1 of 5

When you change the banner on a library, the white space on the bottom (technically it's all the white space outside the frame) is used as a mask to avoid deleting the relevant parts of the icons you already created. LV doesn't seem to have the code necessary to remembering what the previous size of the banner was and deleting it and thus regards all the icon as a bitmap and doesn't delete the bottom part of the banner. This was the same in previous versions of LV, so it doesn't have to do with the new IE directly.

I don't have a solution for it either, although I have at times added a light gray line at the bottom of the old banner. This causes everything above that line to be deleted (since that's the bottom of the frame), but the line is still visible after you delete it.

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Message 2 of 5

Also, now I remembered the really annoying thing - when you have inherited classes and you make the banner on a child class smaller than the one on the parent class, the banner from the parent class is used to "fill in" the area you removed, leading to weird results. I'm not sure whether this is techically a bug, but it's certainly undesired behavior.

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Message 3 of 5

"Also, now I remembered the really annoying thing - when you have inherited classes and you make the banner on a child class smaller than the one on the parent class, the banner from the parent class is used to "fill in" the area you removed, leading to weird results."

That was it.  Thanks a lot!  (Still annoying but at least I know how to deal with it now.)

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Message 4 of 5

Actually, playing with it a bit more, it does seem to have more smarts than I gave it credit for. At the very least, changing the banner size rearranges the text on all the icons in the library.

That said, the issue with the inherited classes definitely exists.

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Message 5 of 5