DutLUG - Dutch LabVIEW Usergroup

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DutLUG Online Sessions 22-07-2020



Dear LabVIEW enthusiast,


We want to celebrate you, and all LabVIEW User Groups around the world, by organizing a one-time, online-only event. We have three presentations lined up for you - one of which by none other than the Father of LabVIEW himself: Jeff Kodosky.


Wednesday 22 July 2020


Martin Vernhout

Principal Evaluation & Characterization Engineer at Dialog Semiconductor
Teacher Mechatronics at Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven


Lessons learned about data acquisition for the practical engineer

Using LabVIEW in combination with DAQmx it is fairly easy to start acquiring signals
and taking some measurements. But there is much more to it then the provided examples
teach you for "best" quality signal acquisition and analysis. In this talk I will discuss
a bit of theory, a lot of "give attention to ..." and other tips and tricks.


I have slightly modified my presentation code. The demo code can now operate 
without actual hardware (only need simulated 6259 device via MAX)
If you point to physical DAQ device capable of AI/AO as needed by application, 
you have the live solution.


Download slides here! <Update

Download demo code here! <Update

Jeff Kodosky

NI Cofounder and Business and Technology Fellow
Known as the Father of LabVIEW by engineers and scientists worldwide


Update on Target Structure and Channel Research

Distributed measurement systems should be designed and visualized graphically because that makes relationships and communications more visible and understandable. Distributed systems are inherently complex, and tools for designing those systems introduce additional artificial complexity. This artificial complexity should be subdued using multiple levels of abstraction in the representation. Semantically zooming in for design details, and zooming out to the big picture, promotes modularity and maintainability.


The focus of my research for the past several years has been on improving LabVIEW capabilities for designing distributed measurement systems. Channels, introduced four years ago, have dramatically improved the representation of multi-actor systems. Target structures offer a similar advance in the representation of distributed multi-actor systems. Today, I’ll give an update on Targets and Channels. Experiments with the Target structure are showing great promise. An advanced Messenger Channel makes the representation of client-server systems, including those with a dynamic number of actors, much easier to understand and construct.


Download slides here! <Update

Download source code here! <Update

Pascal Heinen

Consultancy Lead, System Architect and Technical Specialist at VI Technologies
CLA, CLED, LabVIEW Champion


Code Review: Tetris on FPGA

As a hobby project, I've recreated the famous Tetris game on the FPGA of a NI MyRIO-1900. It features 1600x1200 59Hz VESA signal generation using only 5 digital outputs at 160Mhz, 8 color RGB graphics, 4 player action and Atari CX40 Joystick support. There is no code running on the Real-Time target, only FPGA code loaded from the flash memory. During this presentation we will do a in-depth code review to get an insight in the techniques used to recreate this gem of a game.

Tetris on LabVIEW FPGATetris on LabVIEW FPGA

Get source code on GitHub here! <Update

Message 1 of 11

This sounds like a very interesting LUG to attend. do we need to register or is it a turn up and stream event

Message 2 of 11



Hello Andy,


Thank you for asking.

You do not need to register!

We will post instructions on how to join the stream in this topic soon.

Message 3 of 11

looking forward to it.

Problems will keep comming... Lets hope the answers do that to.
Never give up without a fight...
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

This presentation has a very interesting program.
Is it necessary to register to obtain points for recertification?

Sincerely, Luis Noites

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hi Luis,


We want to keep the barrier for attending the online meeting as low as possible, so there will be NO registration process in place. As for points for re-certification, I need to contact NI and acquire about what the possibilities are. I will come back to you as soon as I know more.




Message 6 of 11

Thanks Pascal

Message 7 of 11

hi is there a youtube recording / stream of earliers presentation?





Message 8 of 11

The link to the streaming session can also be used to see the session offline

See Link to Youtube stream/offline:




Message 9 of 11

"Lessons learned about data acquisition for the practical engineer"

ook nog gevonden op de website van NI

iets andere focus, maar goed om door te lezen 😉





stay healthy & have fun! 



Message 10 of 11