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using CVI with Fanuc 1553 card in PXI real time OS problem

I am using the Fancu 1553 cPCI card with the PXI Labview Real-Time OS.

And I have LV-1553(Labview example for 1553) which doesn't have any problem to control 1553 card.


But now I need to control 1553 card using CVI real time.

After calling BusTools_API_InitExtended API, it always return 202 API_BUSTOOLS_NOTINITED.


If anyone has an information or any example code, I'd appreciate it.

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Message 1 of 3
This is a duplicate post. Please follow the same topic on the CVI forum.

Mark E.
National Instruments

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Vincent,


Could you send me the 1553 library that you've got (Fanuc 1553)? I'm trying to understand some functions and maybe if I have some VI's I can visualize better.



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Message 3 of 3