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sample infinite points about pxi6280 under rtx,please help me

I found another question when using pxi 6280. the exampels what you give about M series is sample finite point,but i want to sample infinite points. now I do not kown what register to control how much point I want to sample because of no pdf about the register information of pxi6280. I want to kown what regiser to keep sample infinite points. thanks!I really need help.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12



I don't know if it is possible.


I am trying to seek the answer.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12
I use aiex2.cpp about M series .I really want to konw how to config parameters of NI DDK aiex2.cpp to accomplish continuous mode,I really hope someone can help me.I look forward yor reply .thanks you very much.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12


as I understand the manuals a continuous acquisition is a post triggered acquisition waiting for a trigger that is never issued. One has to the  collect pretrigger samples at infinitum.

Try to change in aiex2.cpp from

   aiNumberOfSamples (board,
                       numberOfSamples, // posttrigger samples
                       0,               // pretrigger samples
                       kFalse);     // continuous?



aiNumberOfSamples (board,
                       0, // posttrigger samples
numberOfSamples,               // pretrigger samples
                       kTrue);     // continuous?


make the while loop reading the FIFO never ending.


I hope that this helps.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

i change it like what you said,but it can not acquire the right data ,i really what i can do to solve this problem ,what regiser to control the infinite sample。please help me.i am very anxious. thanks a lot. if i can not solve the problem,i can not to do the next thing in project .

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

It's hard to do any guess without details. Could you sent necessary codes as attachement so that we can understand better?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

I download your pages M series of example aiex2.cpp under rtx ,it is to sampe finite points,I want to use it to sample infinite points,my question is how to change registers to sample infinite points. this example your company gave,why do you say i do not give your detail ?the examle is what your company gave. your company do not gave the regiser level pdf, so I want to kown how to change some registers to reach infinite samples in aiex2.cpp or use which example to change which register to reach infinite samples?  

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

this is the example what your company give.I hope you can give me right anwer!

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12


you have to set the number of pretrigger samples correctly in your example as I wrote in my last post:


        aiNumberOfSamples (board,  
/*>>>>> your code is wrong here:
                       numberOfSamples, // posttrigger samples
                       0,               // pretrigger samples
/* This is correct:*/
                       0         // posttrigger samples
                       numberOfSamples, // pretrigger samples
                       continuous);     // continuous?
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

I have tried  it like you asked before.Although it can sample infinite points,but the pionts are wrong when i test these points in maltlab. I hope you can think teal reason to tell me. who can really help me.i have waited for many days! thanks!


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Message 10 of 12