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register level programing of the 6601 counter to connect signals to the rtsi bus

I have need for more than 4 clocks and have several 6601 counter boards. I would like to use an additional board for the extra clock but need to send signals to the this board from the other. The most efficent way seems to be to use the rtsi bus to connect the 2 boards together. I am programing the counter boards at the register level  using a kernel module in linux. The register level porgramming manual explains how to connect different signals to the sourse pins of the clocks including the rtsi signals.  I have been successful in doing this but  can not find info on how to route the output signal of one clock  to the input of another using the rtsi bus. Using  web search I have seen ways to do this using labview and dqmx calls but nothing for programin at the register level. Thanks for any help on this problem.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2

Hi Jerry-


Ed's post here has some info that seems related to your question.

Tom W
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 2