Driver Development Kit (DDK)

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What is GPIO Driver.

How can make digital io interface to specific GPIO it similar to writing an ISR for an Keypad driver to a microcontroller.

where sholud be the alpha numeri key pad keypad be implemented (in the OAL/Kernel driver), and perform driver to driver communication to get me notified with notification led when a key is pressed on.

Where should be the I2C ,SPI drivers written to interface to the RTC,EEPROM etc. Are there any I2C ,SPI Routines or API available in the OAL so that the drives can access them using kernelIOControl.

Sir if possible please specify a sample or code snippet available for i2c or spi driver.

thanq u in ADVANCE

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Are you trying to make the driver in LabVIEW? Drivers for SPI and i2c communication arre not shipped with the base version of LAbVIEW. You would need to procure it from our alliance members who make this. You could refer to this link for details.

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