Distributed Control & Automation Framework (DCAF)

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RTI DDS - Support for Complex Data Types Planned?

Good Day All,


Is support for complex data types in the DDS Module planned any time soon?


Kind Regards,


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Message 1 of 5

We know what it would take  to support a single custom complex data type, the tricky part here is that the way the RTI DDS API is structured, a wire of the correct data type needs to be wired into the RTI DDS DLL/SO call.  From the DCAF perspective, that means that the module must know (at development time of the module, not at configuration time) what data type it needs to handle.


The correct way to do this would be to make a custom DDS module for the custom complex type, instantiating columns in the editor for every data item in the complex type.  


Since we can't know what complex type you need, this means the burden of making the custom DCAF module would be on you.


Happy to walk through what it would take, but I'm afraid this is not a solvable problem from a generic perspective.


Matt Pollock
National Instruments
Message 2 of 5

Okay, well that answers what would have been my next question regarding rolling my own.


Assume it would be a case of inheriting the current module, and implementing for my own data structures.  I will have a first go at it (I need an excuse to get more experience with LVOOP) and see how well I do.



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Message 3 of 5

The existing DDS module won't give you a whole lot of help from an inheritance perspective (you would have to reimplement most of the existing code).   The scaling module was built to be inherited from (since large quantities of the code is common to all scaling implementations), but the DDS module was written as a one-off.


You'd be better off making a new module and using the existing DDS module as a crib sheet than to try to inherit and override.


Matt Pollock
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Right, thanks for that!  I will roll my own.

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Message 5 of 5