Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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ni pci 4065 and ni pci 6515

Hi everybody

I will use ni pci 4065 dmm and ni pci 6515 dio cards. There is still time for shiping and other procedures so that i will receive cards in about one or two weeks. Please will you guide me that how can i use these cards labview specific functions. I had installed their drivers and cards are virtually added in MAX, devices and configuration section. In labview example finder i had found nothing usefull regarding these cards. Now i want to write labview code so that dmm reads voltage changes and dio to send signals. kindly tellme where to start i had send message in labview discussion forum but didn't get any helpfull answer

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Message 1 of 10

The DIO will use DAQmx and the DMM will use NI-DMM.  Perform a search for "DAQmx Digital Output" in the Example Finder and you should get something.  For the DMM, lookup "DMM DC Voltage".

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Message 2 of 10

There are several examples in the Example Finder that should give you some guidance for how to program the boards. As previously mentioned the 6515 uses the NI DAQmx driver and the 4065 uses the NI DMM driver. If the drivers have have been installed after your LabVIEW installation their examples should exist in the Example Finder. If you don't see the examples they may be installed for a previous version of LabVIEW and they can be reinstalled. 


If you are using the Browse tab of the Example Finder, the middle section lists the examples:

The 6515 examples can be found under Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx.  I would recommend the Write Dig under Digital Generation as an initial starting point. 

The 4065 Examples can be found under Hardware input and Output>>Modular Instruments>>NI-DMM (Digital Multimeters). I would recommend looking a the Measure DC example as an initial starting point.


I would also recommend that you look at the lower left corner of the Example Finder to the Hardware dropdown. This can be used to either select a device that exists in your system or allows you to add a device to the list. Once a device is selected you can click the check box below the dropdown to limit the results to the selected device. This will help you verify that the example will work for your hardware.


When you receive your devices you can also use the Testpanel/Soft Front Panel for each device to quickly get some functionality and become more familiar with them. One method to launch these are through Measurement and Automation Explorer by selecting your device and choosing the Test Panels button.

Steve B

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Message 3 of 10

Thanks steve and crossrulz..

Kindly take a look at pics am uploading. It looks like my labview 8.5 don't have examples for daqmx or is there any problem with the drivers that i had installed.

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Message 4 of 10

Hi Timmy, it looks like you need to reinstall the NI DAQmx and likely the NI DMM drivers so that you will have the correct support files for your version of LabVIEW. This can happen when the drivers were installed before your most recent version of LabVIEW, you should install the drivers after you install LabVIEW. 

Steve B

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Message 5 of 10

Timmy, the version of NI-DAQmx that you have on the system does not support LabVIEW 8.5, so no examples or VIs for NI-DAQmx will show up in it. The chart on this page shows NI-DAQmx support for various LabVIEW versions.


If you have the latest version of NI-DMM, it similarly does not support 8.5. The NI-DAQmx 9.5.1 readme mentions that it supports 8.6.x and later, and the latest NI-DMM (3.0.6) does as well.


Assuming that you want to stay with LabVIEW 8.5.1, you have two options. The first, and easiest, is to uninstall NI-DAQmx 9.5.1 and NI-DMM, and install older versions that do support LabVIEW 8.5.1. For NI-DAQmx, that would be 9.3. For NI-DMM, that would be 3.0.4. The downside to using these older versions is that you won't be able to take advantage of any fixes or new product support in later versions. In the case of the PCI-4065 and PCI-655, both should be supported in those versions.


If you would like to use a newer version of these drivers with LabVIEW 8.5.1, it is possible but tricky, and we generally don't recommend it as there can be version incompatibility issues. There are instructions on the manual steps required in a KB somewhere, but I can't seem to find them at the moment. It involves installing a version of the driver that does support the older version of LabVIEW, manually copying multiple files somewhere else, upgrading to the latest version, and manually copying files back. It is time-consuming and not always successful. If you feel that you must go that route let us know and we can give you more specific instructions.


The other alternative is to use a newer version of LabVIEW.


Hopefully this helps. Please let us know if you run into any more issues.


Tobias G

Staff Software Engineer, Modular Instruments

National Instruments

Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 10

Thanks steve and tobias. let me check what options i have

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Message 7 of 10


I want to know why my vi read ch0 only instead ch0 to ch19 of scan list.


thankssSmiley Indifferent



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Message 8 of 10
You've posted to an old and totally unrelated thread. You haven't posted your VI either. Create s new thread and provide the necessary details.
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Message 9 of 10



thank's Denis you are right****Smiley Wink

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Message 10 of 10