Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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Using DcPower PXI 4132

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Hello!I started to use the power supply NO PAN 4132.Tell me please, what channels should be connected to receive the voltage 50 V Current consumption is 70mA.I connect to the channel "Output High Terminal" for voltage, but the output was nothing.May need to use "Output Low Terminal"?I will be grateful for the detailed wiring diagram in the channels. For all occasions.

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Message 1 of 5

Hello 1111111111111111,


The 4132 is an isolated power supply, so you'll need to connect both the plus and minus leads to complete the circuit.  Assuming this is a new concept to you, I recommend connecting the 'LO' pin to ground and then connecting your DUT to 'HI'... ignore all the other pins for now.


Note that while the 4132 can provide up to 100V and up to 100mA, it can't, for example, provide 100mA@100V (10W), but can provide 20mA@100V (2W).  The 4132 specification sheet shows the valid output regions, which unfortunately do not encompass your 70mA@50V requirement:


Again, for now, ignore quadrants II, III, and IV... you're sourcing a positive voltage and positive current, which is by definition quadrant I.


If you'd like to source 70mA@50V, the 4132 will not work.  Looking at Figure 1, you can see that the closest values would be 50mA@40V (closest power), 20mA@50V (closest voltage), or 70mA@20V (closest current).


Let us know your current and voltage requirements, and maybe we can recommend a different module for your application.  Have a great day!



-John Sullivan
Problem Solver
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Message 2 of 5

I understood you,John. Thanks for the quick reply. I worked with NI4110 and NI4130 and everything was understandable to me. Using NI4132 I do not understand output assignments of the module. OutputLO connected to the ground and all was fine. Get the output voltage set. Now I'm interested in the output destination GUARD and SenseLO and SenseHI. When are they used?When to use OutputLO?

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by 1111111111111111

Output Lo: This is the negative lead for the supply.  This lead sources/sinks current when the SMU is sinking/sourcing.  When using local sense, this lead also measures the negative voltage.   When using remote sense, this lead still sources/sinks current.


Guard: All four Guard outputs are tied together and are unity gain buffered outputs of the HI Output voltage.  You would use these pins to create a low impedance mirror of your output voltage, and then surround the HI Output wire with that low impedance 'guarded' voltage.  For example, in a triaxial cable, you would place the signal on the center pin, then guard on the middle ring, then LO/ground.  This removes the leakage current you'd typically get from the capacitance in the cable (since both the signal and middle jacket are at the same voltage, there's no voltage drop across the insulator, and thus there's no capacitive charge in the insulation).  Guard is used with low level signals that require immense shielding.


Sense LO and Sense HI are remote sense leads.  These leads aren't used by default; you must specifically enable 'remote sense' which will then differentially sense the voltage at the end of these leads.  When remote sense is enabled, Output HI/Output LO source/sink current, but they don't sense the voltage.  Instead, you route an additional (twisted pair) set of small leads to your DUT, and then connect those leads as close as possible to the DUT leads... Sense HI connects to the Output HI; Sense LO connects to Output LO.  Because the remote sense leads don't have appreciable current (ballpark: ~1MΩ), there's no voltage drop (V.drop=I.~zero*R.leads=~0V).  This provides a more accurate voltage measurement.  Note that if you don't care much about your voltage, but do care about your current, remote sense leads aren't required.

-John Sullivan
Problem Solver
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Message 4 of 5

Thank you John! This is necessary information!I understand!

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Message 5 of 5