From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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04-16-2013 11:26 AM
I would like to use the IVI session factory to instantiate a driver session with the PCI-4065. I had thought that this unit had a IVI-COM driver, however I see that I only have an IVI-C driver loaded? Does this instrument have an IVI-COM driver available? I have searched, but not found one....
I am trying to do this (C#):
string DMM_Name = "DMM1";
// Create an instance of the session factory
IIviSessionFactory factory = new IviSessionFactory();
// Ask the session factory to create an instance of
// the appropriate driver based on a logical name
mDMM = (IIviDmm)factory.CreateDriver(DMM_Name);
The last line gives me an error at run-time telling me "The Software Module has no ProgID". I believe it is because I don't have a COM driver for this unit. Am I correct?
04-17-2013 03:34 PM
Hi Rob,
There are only the IVI-C drivers for our hardware, however we do have IVI-COM adapters that allow the use of our IVI-C with IVI-COM. Below I have provided a Knowledge Base to a link that describes this in further detail. The IVI-COM adapter has to be added for the installation of the IVI Compliance Package.
-Jake B.
05-20-2013 03:20 PM
Hi Jake-
Thanks for the response, and sorry for the delay in responding. The knowledge base link you provided states that I can use the IVI-COM adapter if I use IVI version 3.2 or later...which I do (I have 4.0 loaded on the system currently). It goes on to state that it must be enabled in the installer's feature tree. Is there any way to look at the installed components via NI Max (or other utility, etc) to see if this has been installed, or do you believe that I should re-install the IVI components, and pay careful attention to find the feature in the install tree?
05-21-2013 02:31 PM
I believe the only option is to reinstall the IVI Compliance Package and make sure you include the support. There should be at the very least a custom installation option that will allow you to include additional features/support to be installed.
-Jake B.
05-21-2013 03:30 PM
Well, I reinstalled IVI Complilance 4.2, and selected the IVI-COM adapter installation in the installation tree. Unfortunately, this had no effect...I am still getting the same error (IIviSessionFactory: Software Module (NiDMM) has no Prog ID) at the following line in my code.
mDMM = (IIviDmm)factory.CreateDriver(DMM_Name);
I suspect that there is something wrong in the IVI Drivers section of MAX. I have the "DMM1" logical name setup(that is the "DMM_Name" above), and that references a driver session called "DMM_runtime". In the software tab, I have "NiDMM" for the Software Module, which seems appropriate to me. However, when I look at "DMM_runtime" session, in the hardware tab, I am unsure what that should be. I believe it should be "DAQ::1::INST", but this doesn't show up in the drop down list, so I typed it in. Can you tell me how to ensure this is correct, or to figure out what it should be? Please note that the DMM test panel works fine, and the unit passes self test.
I have successfully setup and developed software using an Agilent Power Supply this same way (Ivi session factory, etc), however it was a GPIB device, and its address was obious. The DMM shows up in Max as a NI-DAQmx device as NI PCI-4065: "Dev1".
Thanks for your help...