Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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DMM autorange scanning

I have PXI 4072 DMM and two SCXI 1130 Multiplexer
Triggerd measureing with the two Multiplexer is working fine.
I get my measureing data from niDMM_FetchMutiPoint(...)
Now it would be nice to format my Data according to the range and the resolution.
I have used the niDMM_FormatMeas(...)
But this is only working if you have a scanlist size of 1 or using no autorange
The only way to get range value is using niDMM_GetAutoRangeValue(...)
and this value is the range of the last measurement from the scanlist. Smiley Mad
Here my question:
Is there a way to exract the autorange value for each dmm measurement
greetings from
the lake of constance
Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
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I did it !Smiley Wink
When I was writing upper Message I wrote : "for each" and I thought : Try it
That was the Solution !
Just do it in a loop and use in instead niDMM_FetchMultiPoint
only niDMM_Fetch
Sessions NI-Week 2017 2016
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