Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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DMM PXI-4070 Internal Hardware Error - 1074117756.000000

I am intermittently experiencing an "internal hardware error". This error occurs while taking frequency measurements using the NI PXI-4070 DMM. The entire error message reads as follows:  "Error#-1074117756.000000 <ERR> Internal Hardware Error"


I am using the 4070 with a PXI 1033 Chassis. I am running Labview Version 8.5. No other DMM measurement seems to trigger this error.

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Message 1 of 36



This could be a hardware driver issue.  I would try installing the latest version of NI-DMM here

Jim Schwartz
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 36

Hi DMTj,


How often does this error occur?  Does it happen every time the program runs?  Are you controlling this with MXI or a PXI embedded controller?  Do you have any other cards that you could try to see if you get the same error? What version of the DMM driver are you using?  I have seen some issues with driver versions, so updating to the newest driver would be something to try.  I have added a link to NI-DMM 3.0 in the previous post.

Jim Schwartz
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 36

Hi DMTj,


It looks like you are working on this with phone support.  You should continue your support with Nikhil.  I will post the resolution once this issue is figured out.

Jim Schwartz
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 36
I have having this exact same issue.  Were you able to resolve it?
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 36

Hi jmass16,


How often does this error occur?  Does it happen every time the program runs?  Are you controlling this with MXI or a PXI embedded controller?  Do you have any other cards that you could try to see if you get the same error? What version of the DMM driver are you using?  I have seen some issues with driver versions, so updating to the newest driver would be something to try.  I have added a link to NI-DMM 3.0 driver here.

Jim Schwartz
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 36

Q1. This error occurs about every 100 frequency measurements (in a row), give or take.  It doesn't seem to happen with any other type of measurement.

Q2. Yes, this happens everytime the program runs.

Q3. PXI.

Q4. This happens with every card I have tried, a total of 3.

Q5. I was using version 2.5, BUT, I updated to the newest driver, 3.0 and it still happens.


What happens is the cards throws an "Internal Hardware Error: -1074117756" failure during one of these frequency measurements.  All proceding DMM measurements throw an "An error was returned by one of the internal function calls: -1074118650".  The card goes into an unrecoverable state until reinitlialized. 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 36

Hi jmass16,


Could you please post the part numbers for each of these boards?  They will look something like 191485x-01.  I think we have ruled out particular driver version or driver install as the issue since you see the same error with 2 different driver versions.  

Jim Schwartz
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 36
Also, have these cards ever worked before?  If so, were you doing these same kind of tests and what has changed since they started producing this error?
Jim Schwartz
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 36

This error also happened while DMM PXI-4071 taking frequency measurements, it does not occur often, like DMTj described, around 1 per 100 reading in a row. Does updating driver resolve the problem or not? Since PXI-4071 does not have LRC measurement function, would the problem be resolved using same technique? Thanks.



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Message 10 of 36