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Configure IVI Nidmm with NI-1127 modules in SCXI-1000 Box

I have the following hardware- NIdmm 4070 and  three 1127 modules in an SCXI-1000 Box (there is a 6031 DAQ card in the system, but it goes to an SCB100 box and not the 1000 box).
I've simulated the NIdmm on another computer by creating an NIdmm 4070 using IVI and a simulated SCXI-1000 with three 1127 modules. The problem is to get it to work  I needed to add a simulated 6031 DAQ card  and 1102 module to talk to the SCXI-1000 box.
How can I get rid of the simulated 6031 card and 1102 module so that it is really representative of the hardware I actually have. Eventually, I'm going to add a 4th 1127 module and want to check my program out.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7
Hello Steve,

It sounds to me like you simulated a PCI-6031E and also added an SCXI-1102 to your SCXI-1000 chassis, even though you do not actually have an SCXI-1102.  If you need to remove these items from MAX, you can simply select and delete them.  Then you can add your fourth SCXI-1127 to the SCXI-1000 chassis.

In terms of how to connect and configure your 4070 DMM to control your switch modules, please refer to the tutorial Multi-module Scanning with National Instruments Switches or go to the NI Switches Help (Start >> Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-SWITCH >> Documentation) and look under Installing and Configuring Devices >> SCXI Devices >> Controlling and Triggering an SCXI Switch.

I hope this helps!

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Hi Jarrod,

When I create a simulated SCXI 1000 box. The "Create New SCXI Chassis" window ask for a "Chassis Communicator". I want to use a PCI-4070 DMM as the communicator because  DAQ cards (such as the simulated PCI 6031E card) will not communicate with an SCXI-1127 switching module.  

Somehow the chassis communicator needs to be the PCI-4070 Dmm to allow four 1127 modules in the (simulated) SCXI1000 box. This is the configuration thats being used in the real application.

Thanks in advance for your help.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7
Hello Steve,

If you have a PCI-4070 in your computer, then you can easily select it as the "chassis communicator" when adding your SCXI chassis in MAX, but you cannot simulate one for the same purpose using IVI.  If you are configuring your SCXI chassis under "NI-DAQmx Devices" in MAX, you can only select an NI-DAQmx device as the chassis communicator.

For more information on configuring the SCXI-1127 with a PCI-4070 DMM as the controller, please refer to the NI Switches Getting Started Guide, which can be found under Start >> Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-SWITCH >> Documentation. 

I hope this helps!

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7


I  imported the DAQ configuration from the real system into my simulated system and am able to get the DMM4070.

See the jpeg image of MAX. I seem to be able to get all four 1127 modules to work in simulation mode.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
Hello Steve,

That's interesting.  I wouldn't have suggested that since it is not a supported method, but if it is working for you that's good.  Did you have any further questions?

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7


Very happy I got the simulation working. Persistence pays off.

Thanks for your help.


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Message 7 of 7