12-19-2005 01:13 PM
12-20-2005 06:50 PM
12-21-2005 12:51 PM
you are right. I need pattern I/O model and big memory to generate realtime digital waveform and synchronizaiton signal.
As you said, I will configure the board for having all 32 lines as outputs, and figure out the exact digital waveform(low 16bit) and x,y,z control signal(use high bits), then generate and write that data to the board.
But I still have some problems in my application while using the big memory on board:
1, how to make or apply a big memory (32M)? I want to use some code to figure out the waveform and store in a buffer and then download it to the memory on board. If I can't do like that, can I download part by part? is there any function for me to do that?
2, Can we Use both menory on board? 32M + 32 M
3, I have attached an example download from NI webside. when I try to change some code for my application, there are two failure: one is NIDAQMakeBuffer function only accept WFM_DATA_I16 paremeter and no U32 paremeter according to the help document; the other is if I can't use NIDAQMakeBuffer to build a big buffer then how can I do ?
4, can I download waveform data first and then have another function to triger the output when using pattern model ?
12-21-2005 02:54 PM
I have changed some code and it looks like I have got the big buffer(memory ) now !
so, the 1,3 question is caceled. 🙂
But do you have any suggestion on question 2, 4 above?
thanks a lot
12-22-2005 11:18 AM
12-23-2005 04:28 PM