In fact, I use PCI-6527 card output port to control an instrument switch, the instrument is internally realized by the optocoupler,that is the interface to the instrument is a LED. By controlling the LED, I can control the instrument switch. The instrument manufacturer required 10mA to light the LED of instrument.
My intended signal connection is following:
the instrument LED anode to the PCI-6527 card Dig-; instrument LED cathnode to the PCI-6527 card ground line;
connect the PCI-6527 card 5V to PCI-card Dig+;
Does above electrical circuit work ?
I wonder whether I need to choose external resistor to get the required current or limit too much current to pass LED.
I have another question about a
bove signal connection, when I write 0(logic low) to PCI-6527 card through labview, the switch (in PCI-6527 card) closes, in this case, the instrument LED get the required current and light, so the output signal in instrument is logic High, Does have any signal connection between instrument (that I intended to control) and PCi-6527 card can satified the following requirement: when I write logic low, the output is low, not logic high.
Thanks for help!