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PXIe6556 - How to change output voltage during the generation?

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I would like to know if is possible to change the output voltage (data lines) during the generation?


1. Start Generation - Vout=1V

2. Change output voltage without stop the generation to Vout=1.2V

3. Change output  voltage to ....



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Hello engfpe,


Take a look at the example bellow.




In this case, it's being generated a waveform, but you can change all that process for a simple constant.



Pedro Ivo da Cruz
Engenharia de Aplicações
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Hi Pedro


The PXIe-6556 is a HSDIO board. It do not have a DAQmx AO.

In this board I can change the output voltage from -2 to 7V but just before start the generation.


I just want to be sure if is possible or not change the output voltage after de generation starts.




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

I think you can.


It is only necessaru to change the "DAQmx Create Channel" for an Digital Out intead of Analog Out. Insite de loop, remove the waveform generation code and in th input the DAQmx Write put a control, where you can change the input.


But i did not understand one thing, if you are using a digital IO, why you want to change from -2V to 7V? I think it's only able to sent bits (0V and 5V).



Pedro Ivo da Cruz
Engenharia de Aplicações
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Since you are not at all familiar with the device, you should refrain from posting and let someone from NI or an actual user respond. The device has programmable logic levels.

Sorry, I have not used the device so I cannot help.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9
Accepted by topic author engfpe

Try looking up "Advanced:Attribute Committal Strategy Property" and "Voltage Levels: Data Voltage Range Property" in the Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer Help that was installed with your driver. This should allow you to change voltage levels on the fly. To use this attribute, you need to have the latest HSDIO driver (2.0).


Is this what you're looking for? This is an advanced attribute, and most use cases shouldn't require this, so you've been warned. Hope this helps!

Brian Morgan | NI Software Engineer, R&D
Message 6 of 9

Try using the following property node to configure the driver generation voltage levels.




In order to use this property node you may have to pause your current generation session.  Specify the channels you want to configure and then apply new "Data High" (high voltage level for generation) and "Data Low" (low voltage level for generation) settings.


This should be the option you are looking for.  Also, this product is able to be configured for any voltage in the range of -2 to 6V or -1 to 7V, depending on the voltage range configuration.  See the specifications page for more details.



Brandon Carson

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9



That is the perfect solution.

That is exactly what I needed. The HSDIO driver 2.0 has nice new features.


Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9



Thank you for your assistance, but a really need do not stop the transmission.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9