Hi Andreas,
Yes you are right the DAQCard-700 uses the
SM82C54 timing chip, which is a rather old design.
I definitely understand that trying to get this working in LabVIEW seems like a pain, but it's definitely not LabVIEW's fault and is more a problem of limited abilities of the DAQCard-700. With our newer boards this wouldn't be a problem at all and I could point you straight to a program.
All of the examples for that chipset can be found here:
C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW X.X\examples\daq\counter\8253.llb
If you drill into the first VI in the example (Cont Pulse Train.vi), you will see that the actual frequency and actual duty cycle are changed by using the ICTRControl.vi with a control code set to Setup Mode 3 and then doing some math to determine how many ticks of the timebase mean how long of a pulse. You could try changing this within the while loop of the example program and see if that works. Or if you need a product that will definitely allow easy PWM, then check out some of our newer
USB DAQ Products.