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PCIDIO32HS Power supply

Can i power my target device connected to my PCI-DIO32HS with a external +5V power supply?
What happened with pullup and pulldown resistor?
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I am not sure what you are asking in your first question. The PCI-DIO-32HS can read in digital values that are connected to the digital ports. These signals do not need to be powered by the DIO-32HS. IF you are using the DIO-32HS for output then the target device for output can be powered however you would like.

Pull up or pull down resistors can be used to pull the default input state to high or low because the inputs are in a tristate mode. If you want to have the inputs default to 0V you can use a pulldown resistor from DPULL to DGND which will make all the digital lines default to 0V if they are configured for input and nothing is driving the line. Alternatively you can use a pullup resistor from DPULL to +5V line to pull the default state o
f the input lines to high (+5V).

You can refer to the user's manual for the PCI-DIO-32HS/6533 to see the pinout and were the DPULL pin is located.
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