Digital I/O

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I am using the "NationalInstruments.DAQmx.DOChannels.CreateChannel" command to write data to the DAQ. I am looking for which functions to call to find out how many lines/Ports are available so I can create the first parameter...


Currently, I am hardcoding it to the following:


digitalWriteTask.DOChannels.CreateChannel("Dev1/Port0", "Port0", ChannelLineGrouping.OneChannelForAllLines)


I would like to be able to know how many Devices and Ports are available for the DIO card(s) installed on the system. Is there a call that will return this information?

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Tim8w,

you can use DAQmx property nodes to get this information.



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Message 2 of 3

Hi Tim8w,


The KnowledgeBase linked here will show you how to find all the devices in you system.  Take a look at it.  If you have any questions, let me know.

Jim Schwartz
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