Digital I/O

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My LV 6.02 is flagging error 10008 when I use port write.

How can I trouble shoot this? I am creating a Task ID with a Port Config and then sending the Task ID through a Local Variable to the Port Write. It looks as though the task id is not getting transfered correctly in the local variable. The error message is:
The group is invalid. This I do not understand.
The wierd part is that things were working until I saved my program, closed it and opened it again.
I have tried Highlight Execution and the Task ID looks OK. But, when I monitor the Port Write VI, there is a bogus value in the Task ID.

Thanks for any answers.
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Message 1 of 3

There are some things you will want to make sure happens in your program.

First make sure that the task ID gets write out of the Port Config to your indicator before you try to pass the Local Variable to the port write VI.

The other check would be to make sure the port is configured for output and not input. The default setting on the Port Config VI is for input and the port write VI will not work if the port is configured for input.

Finally I would try to open one of the LabVIEW examples and change the task ID out of the Port config to an indicator and then use a local variable of the indicator to wire it in to the port write VI and see if you see the same behavior. Make sure to leave the error cluster wired as is which will ensure that t
he port config vi is executed first.

Good Luck.
Message 2 of 3
My initialization was placed outside of all my while loops so that it would run first. Seems that this confuses the compilers. After about 20 minutes with tech support today I stumbled upon this solution quite by accident. The solution is to place the port configs and the initial port writes inside of a while loop that terminates when the interator is greater than 1. Assuming a left to right and top to bottom compile of while loops, I placed this loop at the extreme left and top. Maybe Michael can explain the reasons for the while loop around the port init.

Message 3 of 3