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How do I synchronize two 6534 devices to output 45 bit pattern?

I am using a PXI chassis with two 6534 cards. I am generating a 45 bit wide data pattern and sending 32 bits per update to one device buffer and 13 bits to the other. However my trigger is an external clock that is always running. This means that the data is sent to the outputs as soon as it arrives at the device buffer. On a logic analyser i've seen that the data is not in sync. I therefore need to make sure that the data on each channel is synchronized. How can this be done?
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Message 1 of 4

Is it that you want to make sure the two 6534 moduals are in sync sending out the data? If this is the case, and you're doing pattern I/O, you can use the same clock for both moduals. (This can be done internally routing one clock to the a RTSI line.) Let me know if I am understanding your application wrong.

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Message 2 of 4
Hi. I have the same question... I need to send a 64 bit patterned output using two 6534 cards in a PXI chasis. When you say "internally routing one clock to the RTSI line," do you mean internally as inside the PXI chasis? or internally as inside the labview program?

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Message 3 of 4

Yes, I mean internally to the PXI chassis, it will be a hardware routing of the signal. You will however program the routing in LabVIEW. I believe the vi you will need to use is called Route Signal. Let me know if you have any problems doing this.

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Message 4 of 4