If you just want to output one pulse, you can use mode 1, and if you want to generate a continuous pulse train, you can use mode 2. Using two counters, you can generate a finite pulse train. There are examples to do so that come with the NI-DAQ driver software. For instance, with LabWindows/CVI, you can use the 8253generateSquareWave example located in the samples >> daq >> ctr directory. LabVIEW has the examples in the Examples >> daq >> counter >> 8253 directory.
The output from the card will be the OUT pin of whatever counter (B0, B1, or B2) you are using. If you use counter B0, the maximum internal timebase is 2 MHz, and you can divide it down by any integer between 2 and 65,535. Or you can input a signal to counters B1 and B2 using the CLK pins.
You can
find this information in the Lab-PC+ User Manual, from the http://www.ni.com/manuals page or searching the Technical Resources as the http://www.ni.com/support page.
Geneva L.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments