03-25-2009 10:37 AM
I have a PXI-6508 (among others) in a PXI chasis. The Measurement & Automation Explorer detects it with traditional NIDAQ as device 6.
I am using traditional NIDAQ in my application.
Using Init_DA_Brds(6, &code) works fine and returns the correct code (240) for the device.
Using Get_DAQ_Device_Info(6, ND_DEVICE_TYPE_CODE, &info) does not work as expected, and returns 0.
Is this fixable?
Note: Get_DAQ_Device_Info seems to work fine for all my other devices (6052E, 6040E, 6602 (I have 3 of those), 6733, 6533).
Gil Rivlis
gil@rivlis.com OR gil_rivlis@urmc.rochester.edu
03-25-2009 10:53 AM
I forgot to mention:
the Get_DAQ_Device_Info call returned error -10461 (The specified resource is unavailable because it has already been reserved by another entity.).
it works on the other devices without error;
even calling Init_DA_Brds before calling Get_DAQ_Device_Info does not fix the error.
03-26-2009 01:29 PM
Hi Gil,
There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of documentation on the error you're getting, but I'll try to help the best I can. First, I would try to reset your device in MAX under Devices and Instruments»Traditional NI-DAQ (legacy) devices, by right clicking on your device and selecting "Reset Device". Then try to re-run your program. As well, does this hardware work when you run any example programs? You can find these examples on your computer at: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples . Thanks!
03-26-2009 01:53 PM
I have some more information:
(1) The problem was not with my software. When trying to run the test panels in MAX, I also got the same error code. On the other
hand, running the test panels of the NIDAQmx device worked fine.
(2) I uninstalled DAQmx and the problem went away.
conclusion: NIDAQmx 8.9 broke something.
This is a problem because I also have a M-series device that I use for a different project, and now I can't use it.
03-26-2009 03:04 PM
03-26-2009 03:34 PM
I don't think this is the problem.
I am well aware of the traditional and mx drivers issues. I have multiple other devices that work with both drivers installed. Just the 6508 doesn't.
I am resetting the device before using, but it still doesn't work.
I don't know what it means 'default driver'.