04-26-2015 05:02 PM
I checked through the DAQ Pinout and found this sheet. The terminals are shown as 52, 17 and 49 for P0.0, P0.1 and P0.2. (Image attached below).
And also, what is terminal 8 +5V?? Do I have to connect any of the buffer's ic to it (No need, right?).
And regarding the SW-Timed out program, I have made my boolean array to consit of three led's in the array.
How do I define the lines (channel settings) correctly? is it supposed to be dev1/port0/line2?
04-26-2015 06:38 PM
04-28-2015 11:55 PM
Actually I tested using this setup just for one relay and motor. It worked. I just did like what you said @Dennis. Except, I took sometime to figure out the terminal connections.
So, I am going to do the series (multiple relays (3)) tomorrow. Do you think, I have to use any thing in addition when I go for series or it just works fine as how it worked normall when I used one relay and one motor? I hear a "sound" from DAQ board before the motor starts running or when motor stops.
Once again, thanks for your help!MSC
04-28-2015 11:57 PM
Yeah, I forgot to ask you something. To stop each relay, I have to individually turn all the LED's OFF. Is there any way to make it automatic too?
Like, I want the first relay in series to stop after 3 sec and second relay after 4 sec and third relay after 8 seconds??? And also when in series, this code makes the relays run simulataneously right?
05-02-2015 03:06 PM
I have a problem in my code. I have connected an NC relay and NO relay in parrallel condition.
In the code , Digital Out SW Timed, I have changed the Boolean array to contain only two switches for two relays and changed the channel settings to 0:1. Now when I am running the program, I have two boolean switches, channel settings 0:1.
The NC Closed relay is running the DC Motor initially (When both the switches are OFF), but when two switches are turned ON or only one switch is turned ON while other switch remained OFF, the NO Relay is running.
But what I wanted is to have a two boolean switches, one switch to control one relay (NO relay), while the other switch is to control the other relay ( NC Closed relay). That is, when 1st switch is turned ON the NO relay must run and while the second switch is turned off (keeping the first switch in ON condition), NC relay must also run. Is this possible?
Please tell me where I am doing the mistake or how to get the program that I want to have. Do you think I did anything wrong with my wiring?
05-02-2015 11:20 PM