09-09-2010 07:04 AM
Everything is in the title.
I am using a PCIe-1427 framegrabber to acquire images from a PhotonFocus Camera.
I would like (and already managed to program) to use the digital lines to trigger external devices.
My problem is : The output of all of my digital lines is set to high as soon as the PC turns on.
I have tried different suggestions found in the forum already but I don't get the DO to output 0V when idle.
Here is what I have tried until now :
Inserting a pull-down resistor between signal and ground lines (47 kOhms)
(as suggested here : http://forums.ni.com/t5/Machine-Vision/How-can-I-set-a-trigger-default-to-low-instead-of-high-on-a-1...)
Changing the camera file to allow default output to be set to either low or high.
(as suggested here : http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/4E6F9A0BDAE9BFDB862572D80053DFB7)
As the digital lines go straight up to HIGH as soon as the PC is powered, even before entering Windows, I am wondering if there are jumpers which have to be set. Any ideas or solutions ?
Thanks a lot for your help
09-15-2010 04:04 AM
Hi Yves,
on page 7 of the "Getting Started with the NI PCIe-1427"-manual you can see that the outputs contain a 10 kOhm pull-up-resistor to Vcc (+5V):
Thatswhy you see a high a the output.
To get a low you can connect a resistor of 1 ... 2 kOhm between output and ground. (47 kOhm are too high.)
This should pull-down to output to low.
Hope this helps.
With best regards,
Ralf N.
09-16-2010 02:03 AM
Thanks a lot for pointing that out. I missed that part in the manual.
Although, I won't try this immediately because the device I am triggering works just as well with falling edges , so in a first instance I will leave it that way.
09-16-2010 03:11 AM
Hi Yves,
great that you found another solution.
Using falling edges has the advantage that you save the external resistor.
Have a nice day.
With best regards,
Ralf N.